

Tights are back ,[cue in cheers,clapping] yess yess celebrate..its a great thing they are back,right?but ladies,get me right when i say TIGHTS ARE NOT PANTS..and if it wasn't for the fact that i cant strip you cane you for that,I'll put you on fashion police..I think its utterly ridiculous for a sane woman,to wear tights alone and dare walk the streets I get daring but this?

Does that look sane to you?I don't think so.Now for give my emotions here,but my mummy always taught me to be decent,create a clear distinction between me,a learned girl and...well....the rest;fashionable and if possible,stick to dresses and skirts [our greatest weapons ever]
  Oh don't worry yourself thinking you are the only one who got the wrong notion about these things,even Paris Hilton did,
I feel,she was rushed out of the house/mansion she forgot her skirt,to to skirt or something,because how do you start explaining this?
I wont say much.. The link leads up to a manifesto,the tights are not pants manifesto..have a read,it made my day.

 This is how to wear tights, we have Cavalli on your right,simple,with print tights,opaque tights are also stylish.I'd recommend them for people who love wearing black...add a dash of color with these...

One thing i love about fashion,is that its talking movies,magazines,net,your neighbour, your boss(my boss has impeccable taste!!!) colleges at work..the list is endless. If you have a query on tights,you can always watch gossip girl,Blair had a whole wardrobe and it wont do you any harm to hook yourself up with this series and learn a few things...

 Do enjoy yourself,please try not to embarrass yourself,goggle has always been a best friend...before you wear anything..goggle it,see how to mix to me...

have an awesome day.

Cynthia mwangi


Nebukadnezzer said...

Spot on!! Enough with the camel toes

Kami's eDiary said...

lol, those ones up me thinking its another bend-over party....where woman are busy ashaming the whole lot of us..thank you for the insight, i hope...we will heed the advice.....

JACKIE said...

The things ul see arnd this city of ours!!!women need to style up

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