I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday! I just got to work and am excited,i had missed this very much.
So next in line,the new year's eve parties!!!! i hear you i hear you...people mark this day in different ways,night spots,at home with friends and family,end of year parties...This,is the icing on the cake,marks the end and beginning of partying,almost literally.
Its definitely a big deal,so let me help you out...You want something fancy,something that will read "2011 i present my glam".For starters, I'll be in a purple new look soft bubble dress,black heels and a black clutch bag with a purple brooch attached to it.. yes I'll upload the photos for you.
Key pointers,look for an outfit that flatters your bod shape and size,we've done quite a few editorials on that.
Shoes.They have to compliment the dress,a color that will blend in well with your outfit.Heels preferably.although at this point the weather may be a major determinant.boots work as well as heels do.
clutch bag- very simple,or something classic,vintage even.you can add a brooch to it if you feel its too classy.no one will notice it unless you mention it..and you'll not.

Jewelery.simple is always classy.look for a neck piece that is classic,something that will not compete for attention with your dress,or on the other hand something to take the attention off.

Of course the rest is pretty easy,manicure,pedicure,waxing...get your eyebrows well done and under no circumstances are you allowed to leave the house without wearing a smile...it just came,i couldn't resist it.
Have a great new year's eve party as you welcome 2011,thank you for being with us from when we started.we promise you better things to come,feel free to comment,or even pass an idea you feel we need to explore.
fashionguide Kenya,
Cynthia Mwangi
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